File #: 23-058    Version: 1 Name: Parks and Recreation City Code Changes
Type: Direction to Staff Status: Passed
File created: 1/25/2023 In control: City Council Meeting
On agenda: 2/7/2023 Final action:
Title: Direction to staff on various changes to the City Code, including: review of officers in Article 2-8-4: Parks and Recreation Commission; removal of Article 3-13-5: Parks and Recreation Department - Banner Placement and Supervision; and an addition within Article 3-13: Parks and Recreation Department to include management of trees and plants in public spaces.
Sponsors: Liz Langenbach
Attachments: 1. Staff Memo - City Code Changes, 2. Article 2-8 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, 3. Article 3-13 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT


Direction to staff on various changes to the City Code, including: review of officers in  Article 2-8-4: Parks and Recreation Commission; removal of Article 3-13-5: Parks and Recreation Department - Banner Placement and Supervision; and an addition within Article 3-13: Parks and Recreation Department to include management of trees and plants in public spaces.