| 1 | 1. | WW Clyde/Blount Contracting (P-22-126-PZ) - Work Session | Discussion/Presentation | Presentation and discussion of case P-22-126-PZ, a proposed rezoning by WW Clyde/Blount Contracting of approximately 15 acres, generally located near the southeast corner of 12th Avenue and Vista Road, from Business Park by Planned Development("B-4/PD") and General Commercial ("B-1") to Business Park by Planned Development ("B-4/PD"), and a Minor General Plan Amendment of approximately 8 acres from Commercial to Light Industrial/Business Park, to construct a new office building and to allow for the onsite storage of large vehicles and equipment. | | |
Not available
| 2 | 2. | GPEC FY 23 24 Annual Contract WS | Discussion/Presentation | Presentation and discussion of the Economic Development Agreement with the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) for economic development services for the term of one year (FY23/24) and in the amount of $24,486.00, and appointment of Councilmember Peter Heck as the City of Apache Junction representative to the GPEC Board of Directors. | | |
Not available