Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-051 11.Acceptance of AgendaAgendaConsideration of acceptance of agenda.   Not available Not available
25-052 12.Consideration of approval of minutesConsent AgendaConsideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting of March 4, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-111 13.Resolution No. 25-02ResolutionConsideration of approval of Resolution No. 25-02, a Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Apache Junction, Arizona, designating Angelie Hawley the Chief Fiscal Officer for officially submitting and certifying the accuracy of fiscal year 2026 expenditure limitation report to the Arizona Auditor General.   Not available Not available
25-116 14.Viasun AT Median Curbing Award Mar2025ContractConsideration of award of contract to Viasun Corporation for the construction of curbing for the Apache Trail medians between Ocotillo Drive and approximately 1/2 mile west. The work would be through Pinal County cooperative job order contract No. 175623 in the amount of $469,237.04 plus a 10% contingency for unforeseen change orders in the amount of $46,923.70 for a total project cost not to exceed $516,160.74. Work will result in curbing to facilitate roadway drainage and protection to the next phase of median beautification improvements. Work is planned to take place in April and May 2025.   Not available Not available
25-119 15.Associate Magistrate AgreementsConsent AgendaPresentation, discussion and consideration of approval of municipal court associate magistrate agreements.   Not available Not available
25-121 16.Juvenile Hearing Officer AppointmentsConsent AgendaPresentation, discussion and consideration of approval of request for juvenile hearing officer appointments.   Not available Not available
25-122 17.SV-24-26-SD - Final Plat, Parcel 8, Blossom RockConsent AgendaConsideration of approval of the Final Plat for Blossom Rock - Parcel 8 in order to facilitate a 575-lot residential subdivision consisting of approximately 125-acres zoned Master Planned Community (MPC).   Not available Not available
25-112 18.Proclamation for "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month."ProclamationProclamation for "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month."   Not available Not available
25-113 19.designating March 29, 2024, as "Vietnam WProclamation designating March 29, 2025, as "Vietnam War Veterans Day."ProclamationProclamation designating March 29, 2025, as "Vietnam War Veterans Day."   Not available Not available
25-053 110.Intergovernmental UpdatesDiscussion/PresentationBrief summary of intergovernmental updates from mayor and councilmembers.   Not available Not available
25-054 111.City Manager's ReportReport/UpdateCity Manager's Report.   Not available Not available
25-055 112.Announcement of Current EventsReport/UpdateAnnouncement of Current Events.   Not available Not available
25-115 113.Resolution No. 25-04ResolutionPresentation, discussion and consideration of Resolution No. 25-04, a Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Apache Junction, Arizona, urging the state legislature of the State of Arizona to respect local control of municipal governments and to abstain from adopting laws that negatively impact municipal finances.   Not available Not available