Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-014 11.Acceptance of AgendaAgendaConsideration of acceptance of agenda.   Not available Not available
25-015 12.Consideration of approval of minutesConsent AgendaConsideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 4, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-066 13.Cactus Asphalt Slurry FY25 Award Feb2025Consent AgendaConsideration of award of contract to Cactus Asphalt for the slurry seal treatment of city streets at various locations. The work would be through Pinal County cooperative contract No. 234128ROQ in the amount of $485,499.00 plus a 10% contingency for unforeseen change orders in the amount of $48,549.90 for a total project cost not to exceed $534,048.90. Work will result in a new protective wearing surface prolonging street life. Work is planned to take place within the month of March 2025.   Not available Not available
25-075 14.Award of Bid - P&R Drainage Project 2024-008Award of BidConsideration of award of contract for Prospector Park Drainage to Primary Construction Inc. in an amount not to exceed $359,952.73 which includes a 5% contingency.   Not available Not available
25-033 15.Proclamation for "Human Trafficking Awareness - Not in Our City."ProclamationProclamation for "Human Trafficking Awareness - Not in Our City."   Not available Not available
25-016 16.Intergovernmental UpdatesDiscussion/PresentationBrief summary of intergovernmental updates from mayor and councilmembers.   Not available Not available
25-017 17.City Manager's ReportReport/UpdateCity Manager's Report.   Not available Not available
25-045 18.Economic Development Director Ryan KaupReport/UpdateIntroduction and discussion with the city's newly hired Economic Development Director, Ryan Kaup.   Not available Not available
25-018 19.Announcement of Current EventsReport/UpdateAnnouncement of Current Events.   Not available Video Video
25-073 110.Ordinance 1563, Case P-24-1-AM, text amendmentPublic HearingPresentation, discussion, public hearing, and consideration of Ordinance No. 1563, a text amendment adopting by reference that certain document titled “2025 Amendments to the Apache Junction City Code, Volume II, Land Development Code, Chapter 1: Zoning Ordinance, Article 1-5: Zoning Bulk and Use Regulations, § 1-5-1 Residential Use Regulations and § 1-5-3 Non-Residential Use Regulations”; repealing any conflicting provisions; and providing for severability.   Not available Video Video
25-074 111.Resolution No. 25-01, Case P-24-1-AM, Amend. ZO Art. 1-5Public HearingPresentation, discussion, public hearing, and consideration of Resolution No. 25-01, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the City Clerk and titled “2025 Amendments to the Apache Junction City Code, Volume II, Land Development Code, Chapter 1: Zoning Ordinance, Article 1-5: Zoning Bulk and Use Regulations, § 1-5-1 Residential Use Regulations and § 1-5-3 Non-Residential Use Regulations”; repealing any conflicting provisions; and providing for severability.   Not available Video Video
25-077 112.Staff Direction Related to 4-Year Mayor TermDirection to StaffDirection to staff to take any and all action and bring forth any and all resolutions necessary to change the mayoral term from 2 years to 4 years pursuant to AJCC, Vol. I, Ch. 2, Art 2-1, §2-1-1(B).   Not available Video Video